Sed a dui at sapien porttitor placendnrutrumo efficitu.
Sed a dui at sapien porttitor placendnrutrumo efficitu.
Sed a dui at sapien porttitor placendnrutrumo efficitu.
Our mission is to provide a nurturing environment where you can find the support and resources you need to grow, heal and start or continue your recovery journey.
Hi Jo. You just explained about how self loathing was self will run riot! It was so helpful to me. I get it! Thank you!!! 🙏🙏
Thanks for your insight and help🌻🙏❤️😍 I learned so much from you (I hope so anyway!). Today was about the difference between my actions, my behaviour and the harm to others.
Thank you so much for these past four weeks. I wish it was longer.
You are a brilliant coach!
A few times I was tempted not to show up because I felt I had not done enough work. I’m grateful that I didn’t miss anything. I have never done any CODEPENDENCY work and I found every workshop to be extremely helpful.
Thank you so much Jo
Thank you so much for your time and patience this year Jo! thank you thank you
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"The wings ofTRANSFORMATIONare born of patience and struggle." (J.S.Dickens)
We are people who believe true change is possible! Our aim is to provide a safe space for people to learn, to heal and continue to grow.